The back to life party (B2LP) is a group organized by a group of two students in 2007 of those who believed in the resurrection of all life.  This cause was influenced by the supposed resurrections of both Anna Nicole Smith and Jimi Hendrix.  Ever since Tupac’s resurrection occurred, the B2LP had increased from two members to a whopping two-thousand!!! That is a 49,900% increase in only a few weeks!  The founders of the B2LP were Charles Bland and Gianluca Guarro who were roommates at Yale University.  They would study the science of resurrection immensely throughout their college years.  They were huge fans of Tupac Shakur and wished to create the B2LP to not only prove that resurrections are natural in science but also to acknowledge the legacy of Tupac.

-Member and Scribe of the B2LP, Paul Davidson

Acknowledged Members:
1. Charlie Bland & Gianluca Guarro: Founders of the Back to Life Party
2. Paul Davidson: official scribe of B2LP
3. Dr. Fitzerstein: head resurrection scientist
4. Tupac Shakur:  Honorary member